Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Autumn Notes

New Staff: Meet Sean Mullin, a new addition to our team. He is a Cape native and has been passionately riding bikes for almost twenty years. A talented mechanic, Sean has experience with everything from rebuilding suspension to tuning bikes new and old. He holds a full Shimano S-Tec certification so you can be sure his work is to factory specification. Sean is a mountain bike specialist who helped build and name many of the trails in the Trail of Tears. We are happy to have him. Stop by to say hi today!
Dressing for Cold Weather Cycling: Cycling is a great sport to keep you moving outdoors through
the winter. Whether biking off road or on it is increasingly important to dress appropriately for the weather as we enter these colder months. Like any form of exercise, your body heats up and creates sweat when you ride. Your goal is to hold onto that heat and to stay dry through appropriate layering of clothing. Besides temperature, it is important to consider factors such as rain and wind, as they have a significant impact on the gear that you need.
In terms of materials, wicking fabrics such as polyester, lycra, and wool are the best. Stay away from cotton, which does NOT keep you warm when it gets wet. When it first starts to get chilly, cyclists may add a light cap, arm warmers, knee or leg warmers, and thicker socks. As it gets increasingly colder, you might add a base layer, long tights, winter shoes or shoe covers, a balaclava, wind and rain resistant outer shell, and long finger gloves. We have a great selection of clothing here at the store. Feel free to come check it out and to find out more great information. We want to keep you going this winter! For more information check out http://www.bicycling.com/training-nutrition/winter-layering-done-right-how-dress-cycling-cold-weather.
Indoor Training: Some days a little too cold for you? Consider an indoor cycling trainer. There are three main types of indoor cycling trainers: fluid, magnetic, and wind. Fluid trainers are the all around best, quiet with a natural road like feel. Magnetic trainers are quiet, but the resistance isn't perfect. Wind trainers have good resistance but tend to be loud. Our trainer of choice is the fluid Kinetic Road Machine, pictured here. We have them in stock and available to demo. Don't let the cold weather keep you from training hard!
Etc... Fall hours are now in effect! We are here Monday through Saturday, 10-6, closed Sundays. We will be closing at 3:00 p.m. on Halloween for family festivities.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cardboard: Innovative Material to be Used in the Production of Bikes and Kayaks


No, this is not an early April Fools post, and that was exactly our reaction when this was brought to our attention. A cardboard kayak. Hmm, sounds like a kid's weekend project that would meet very limited success, but a bike? Really?

Check out this article about the cardboard kayak building competition: http://www.canoekayak.com/canoe/cardboard/

And the bikes, somehow even more impressive: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/15/cardboard-bicycle-izhar-gafni-inventor_n_1966166.html

True, the kayaks seem to serve the purpose of a fun challenge rather than something you will soon be seeing in our showroom, but it sounds as though there may actually be plans for mass production of the bikes. Of all the high tech innovations we have witnessed this year, this is certainly the most interesting. Take a peak for yourself!